Saturday, March 12, 2011

Who the Heck Knows??

Crazy how time can just fly by, but I've been very busy with training for a new job and going to doctor's appointments. I've had blood work, x-rays, CAT scans, skin biopsy and getting ready for a biopsy of a lymph gland in my chest. We have to get a definitive diagnoses for either sarcoidosis or lymphoma. I don't see the cardiothoracic surgeon until March 29 and then schedule the biopsy. I'm a little uneasy waiting for that time to pass. I pretty much feel like all I've done for two and half months is wait for doctor appointments and have different tests done. I'm just trying to keep positive thoughts until we have an answer.

I really thought 2011 would be my year of no surgery or illness, but apparently that isn't going to happen. I really have to stop making that my New Year's resolution. It hasn't worked in five years.

Wishing the weather would get warmer so I can go for a nice ride on Patrick and relax! We are all suffering from cabin fever and the only cure is sun, sun ,sun!!! My oldest will be 10 years old on March 20 and we have been planning her birthday party. She is going to have a Minute to Win It party. I really hope it turns out and that the kids have a good time. Every year the weather is different on her birthday. It has been so nice before that we have had it in the backyard and other years so cold we had to move it to our garage ( it is the biggest room in our house ). I've learned to just roll with the flow when it comes to my girls' birthday parties.

With devastation happening in Japan, I feel very blessed to have what I have and to have my family. When things get ya down, remember there is always someone else who is having a tougher time then you. The grass really isn't greener on the other side of the fence, it just needs to be mowed.

1 comment:

  1. Joy! I saw the link to your blog on FB....i'll have to ck in on you often. I LOVE blogging...we had to do it at Weber for our clinic journal (obviously i didn't love it then), but it's a nice way to journal for us, and keep our family and friends updated w/ pictures.

    I'm so sorry to hear about the health issues you're dealing with. Whatever it is, i hope the doctors can figure it out soon for you. I can't believe erin is turning 10..seems so crazy! your girls are both so dang cute!

    you can click on my name "cheeks" to link over to our blog, it's not private :)


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